I had worked with fondant before, there were a few things I did wrong, that lead me to believe that it was hard. For example, while rolling it out, I covered my rolling surface with powdered sugar. This is, somewhat O.K., however, it leaves powdered sugar all over the surface and if you fondant is colored you can see it. It also can cause the fondant to get very dry, it will crack and most likely fall apart. Crisco is the answer. It keeps it from sticking and is clear.
Gum paste dries super fast and must be worked with quickly. The plus is that it doesn't take long to hold it's shape and it gets nice and hard. However, if your a slow worker, you may be in trouble.
A few tips when working with these items are as follows:
- Keep your hands "crisco'd" not too much though
- Don't over work your fondant when trying to make it soft
- A little color goes a long way
- Be patient and don't give up
- Flowers arn't perfect, so your shouldn't be either
- Have everything ready ahead of time, as i said it dries out quickly
I'll be back to share some of my creations with you soon.
Good info.